This panel will address the urgent challenge of building heat resilience in urban communities and considerations for the energy transition. Drawing on research efforts and policy options in Massachusetts and New England, panelists will identify the key impacts of heat in urban communities and explore innovative policy and strategic responses related to energy transformation and infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and community engagement.
As climate change exacerbates heat waves, urban communities are becoming more vulnerable, and their resilience is at risk. Policy, technology and infrastructure solutions to achieve an energy transformation will need to be tailored to address the unique reality of communities and urban landscapes. Panelists will address how utilities and energy infrastructure can be better designed to meet the needs of urban communities in a changing climate, highlight findings from research on extreme heat and nature-based solutions, and share insights from engagement with Boston-area communities. Drawing on research efforts and policy options in Massachusetts and New England, panelists will identify the impacts of heat in urban communities and explore innovative responses that can safeguard urban populations and foster climate-resilient communities. Join us to discuss collaborative ideas that improve cities’ resilience at the state, national and global levels and enable the energy transformation.