Donna Hazard

Donna Hazard

Board Member and General Partner


General Partner and Board Member, SeaAhead blue (ocean-related) tech innovation hub; former Board Chair and Interim President & CEO, New England Aquarium; co-founder of biotech diagnostics company Exact Sciences that reached a $26B market cap; 20+ years of non-profit board experience; broad range of board committee roles; and track record of bringing science- and consumer-driven solutions to market

Current Boards (Private and Non-Profit):

SeaAhead, Inc.: Board Director of Boston-based bluetech hub spurring innovation, building and investing in sustainable, high- growth, ocean-related companies through an incubator, accelerator, angel investor group, and other vehicles

New England Aquarium: Immediate past Board Chair (6 years) and Interim CEO (1 year); current member, honorary board, finance and DEI committees; former member, governance, audit, and development committees

Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston: 20+ years of board service; chair, program committee; current member, executive committee; past chair, Board of Trustees; former member, strategic planning, governance, and development committees

Operating Experience, Education, and Interests:

Donna joined SeaAhead’s Board of Directors in 2019 and SeaAhead’s staff in 2020. She leads the company’s bluetech investor network, the Blue Angels. As a member of SeaAhead's executive team, Donna is also engaged in raising SeaAhead’s first fund, SeaAhead Ventures and several strategic partnerships.

Donna served as Interim President & CEO of the New England Aquarium while continuing as Chair of the Board and a member of the search committee recruiting a long-term CEO for this $47 M non-profit organization attracting 1.4 million visitors annually and employing 250+ full-time staff and more than 1500 volunteers. As Board Chair and Interim CEO, Donna led the institution to update and implement its strategic plan, restructure its development department, exceed its fundraising goal (30% increase year to year), and generate an operating surplus. She received a Governor’s Citation, Resolution of Honor from the MA House of Representatives, Official Citation from the MA State Senate, and Certificates of Recognition from US Senators Warren and Markey, US Congresswoman Clark, and Mayor Walsh.

In the corporate sector Donna also Co-Founded and served as Vice President of Business Development for venture-backed biotech diagnostics company Exact Sciences (NASDAQ: EXAS), which reached a market cap of $26 B.

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